Renovation of Building 1039, USAB - Fort Carson, CO
Contract Number: W911RZ-10-C-0202 Client: Signature Underwriters, Inc. Contract Type: SBA 8(a) / Prime Subcontractor Summary of Work: Occupied-site Renovation, Construction, Demolition, SBA 8(a) Project, HVAC system upgrade |
Narrative of Objectives Achieved: This project was a tenant improvement in which a metal office building required an interior and exterior renovation. The scope of exterior renovation involved placement of a 3-coat stucco system on the metal exterior of the building. The interior renovation involved conversion of existing occupied space and creating additional office work stations. The project involved the renovation of existing offices, a kitchen, HVAC upgrades and restrooms upgrade. The project facility was occupied during the work. There were approximately 20 staff in the building during renovation. The project was completed 2 weeks ahead of schedule.
Award Date: 06/2010
Original Delivery Schedule: 90 Days
Final Delivery Schedule: 08/2010 (76 Days)
Original Cost: $208,383.00
Final Cost: $209,911.12
Revisions to Delivery Schedule Dates, Costs, & Explanation: A Change Order in the amount of $1,528.12 was issued for a door upgrade, adding 2 electrical receptacles and repainting an office per owner’s request.
Contracting Agency Contact Information: Signature Underwriter, Inc. 303.797.0742
Contracting Administrative Officer: Jim Misken
Agencies Involved: US DOD - US ARMY - SBA
Award Date: 06/2010
Original Delivery Schedule: 90 Days
Final Delivery Schedule: 08/2010 (76 Days)
Original Cost: $208,383.00
Final Cost: $209,911.12
Revisions to Delivery Schedule Dates, Costs, & Explanation: A Change Order in the amount of $1,528.12 was issued for a door upgrade, adding 2 electrical receptacles and repainting an office per owner’s request.
Contracting Agency Contact Information: Signature Underwriter, Inc. 303.797.0742
Contracting Administrative Officer: Jim Misken
Agencies Involved: US DOD - US ARMY - SBA
Renovation of Building 78, Pueblo Chemical Depot - Pueblo, CO
Contract Number: W911RZ-10-R-0052 Contract Type: SBA 8(a) / Prime Subcontractor Summary of Work: Occupied-site Renovation, Construction, Demolition, 8(a) Project, HVAC system upgrade |
Narrative of Objectives Achieved: This project was a tenant improvement in which 3,600 sf of a 12,000 sf warehouse was renovated to create office space. The scope of the interior renovation involved conversion of existing space and creating new open area office work stations. The project involved the construction of 3 offices, 6 open area work stations, a kitchen, HVAC system upgrade, new duct work, and restroom expansion. RJN performed the project management, on-site supervision, general & trim carpentry, general laborer functions, demolition, installation of: overhead doors, countertops, bath hardware, windows, exterior steps, and floor covering. The project was under fast track completion schedule, requiring renovation of the facility to commence while it was occupied. There were approximately 8 staff in the building during renovation. The project was completed 3 weeks ahead of schedule.
Award Date: 09/2010
Original Delivery Schedule: 120 Days
Final Delivery Schedule: 01/2011 (98 Days)
Original Cost: $388,000
Final Cost: $413,000
Revisions to Delivery Schedule Dates, Costs, & Explanation: A Change Order in the amount of $25,000 was issued for a 3,600 sf flooring upgrade, from VCT to 1/8” rubber.
Contracting Agency Contact Information: Signature Underwriter, Inc. - 303.797.0742
Contracting Administrative Officer: Jim Misken
Agencies Involved: US DOD - US ARMY - SBA
Award Date: 09/2010
Original Delivery Schedule: 120 Days
Final Delivery Schedule: 01/2011 (98 Days)
Original Cost: $388,000
Final Cost: $413,000
Revisions to Delivery Schedule Dates, Costs, & Explanation: A Change Order in the amount of $25,000 was issued for a 3,600 sf flooring upgrade, from VCT to 1/8” rubber.
Contracting Agency Contact Information: Signature Underwriter, Inc. - 303.797.0742
Contracting Administrative Officer: Jim Misken
Agencies Involved: US DOD - US ARMY - SBA
Glade Guard Station Utilities– San Juan National Forest - Dolores, CO
Owner: USDA-NFS-Dolores Office
Contract Number: AG-82B1-C-10-0133 Contract Type: 8(a) / Prime Subcontractor Summary of Work: Design-build, CM/GC service, Occupied-site Renovation, Construction, Demolition, 8(a) Project . |
Narrative of Objectives Achieved: This project was the installation of an infrastructure system for a historical ranger station in the San Juan National Forest in southern Colorado. The scope involved the installation of 2,500 lf 1 ½” water line, installation of a septic system with a 7,000 sf leach field, pump & assembly on an existing well, and photo voltaic power system. (Green Building Design). RJN performed the Project Management, on-site Supervision, General labor functions, reseeding, and painting. The project contained Green Building features (Solar Panels) and was located 40 miles from the nearest establishment in the San Juan National Forest. The project was originally delayed for 5 weeks due to excessive snow fall on the access road. The project was completed within schedule and budgets.
Award Date: 03/2010
Original Delivery Schedule: 120 Days
Final Delivery Schedule: 06/2010
Original Cost: $103,912.44
Final Cost: $101,617.81
Revisions to Delivery Schedule Dates, Costs, & Explanation: A deduct Change Order in the amount of $2,294.63 was issued for lineal footage reduction of 1 ½” water lines.
Contracting Agency Contact Information: San Juan Public Lands Center 970.247.4874
Contracting Administrative Officer: Mary J. Blanchard
Agencies Involved: USDA RD - NFS - SBA
Award Date: 03/2010
Original Delivery Schedule: 120 Days
Final Delivery Schedule: 06/2010
Original Cost: $103,912.44
Final Cost: $101,617.81
Revisions to Delivery Schedule Dates, Costs, & Explanation: A deduct Change Order in the amount of $2,294.63 was issued for lineal footage reduction of 1 ½” water lines.
Contracting Agency Contact Information: San Juan Public Lands Center 970.247.4874
Contracting Administrative Officer: Mary J. Blanchard
Agencies Involved: USDA RD - NFS - SBA
Tree Cooler Relocation/Renovation - San Juan N.F. - Dolores, CO
Owner: USDA-NFS-Durango, CO
Contract Number: AG-82X9-C-07-0016 Contract Type: Owner & CM/GC w/GMP Summary of Work: Demolition, Building Relocation, Mechanical System Retrofit |
Narrative of Objectives Achieved: The USDA-National Forest Service-Dolores Office retained RJN to relocate a 20' x 40' tree cooler from one site to another approximately 5 miles away. The project required rapid mobilization and coordination due to limited seasonal access to the high altitude project locations.
Award Date: 12/2006
Original Delivery Schedule: Not Specified– Weather Permitting
Final Delivery Schedule: 01/2007
Original Cost: $23,702
Final Cost: $23,702
Revisions to Delivery Schedule Dates, Costs, & Explanation: None
Contracting Agency Contact Information: USDA – NFS – RMAST - 970.385.1245
Contracting Administrative Officer: Joe Milburn
Agencies Involved: USDA RD - NFS
Award Date: 12/2006
Original Delivery Schedule: Not Specified– Weather Permitting
Final Delivery Schedule: 01/2007
Original Cost: $23,702
Final Cost: $23,702
Revisions to Delivery Schedule Dates, Costs, & Explanation: None
Contracting Agency Contact Information: USDA – NFS – RMAST - 970.385.1245
Contracting Administrative Officer: Joe Milburn
Agencies Involved: USDA RD - NFS